Santa Rosa - heart of the Sonoma Wine Country
Viewed: 4073 times.
eine Wetterfront, inklusive Regen, Sichtflug aber noch gut möglich
Viewed: 3962 times.
Landung in Santa Rosa für einen cup of coffee
Viewed: 4070 times.
wow, he made it!
Viewed: 3890 times.
viele freie Parkplätze
Viewed: 3789 times.
can you see the light?
Viewed: 3977 times.
gestärkt geht's weiter
Viewed: 4102 times.
Sonoma Wine Country
Viewed: 3909 times.
nette Weingüter im Sonoma Wine Country
Viewed: 3980 times.
Blick zum Pazifik
Viewed: 3821 times.
Sonoma Wine Country
Viewed: 3943 times.
weiter südlich ist's wieder karger
Viewed: 3846 times.
begrünt sind nur die Täler
Viewed: 3909 times.
Bolinas Lagoon und Stinson Beach
Viewed: 4057 times.
Stinson Beach
Viewed: 3944 times.
Golden Gate Bridge und San Francisco Downtown
Viewed: 4037 times.
Golden Gate Bridge und San Francisco Downtown
Viewed: 3847 times.
Teil der Golden Gate Nat'l Recreation Area
Viewed: 4145 times.
Golden Gate Bridge
Viewed: 3959 times.
San Francisco und Teil des Golden Gate Park'
Viewed: 4159 times.
San Francisco am Pazifik und Ecke des San Francisco Zoological Gardens
Viewed: 3991 times.
Steilküste weiter südlich
Viewed: 4016 times.
close to the edge
Viewed: 4063 times.
nice rocks
Viewed: 4079 times.
wilde Küste
Viewed: 3907 times.
wilde Küste
Viewed: 4037 times.
Anflug Half Moon Bay Airport für ein paar touch & gos, inklusive simulated engine failure
Viewed: 4016 times.
erster Versuch 'touch & go'
Viewed: 4130 times.
Blick über Half Moon Bay
Viewed: 3987 times.
here we go, zweiter Versuch 'touch & go'
Viewed: 3962 times.
der Hafen beim zweiten Versuch
Viewed: 3887 times.
zurück in der Bay Area
Viewed: 4041 times.
Blick in die Bay, Sicht bis nach San Francisco
Viewed: 3917 times.
Stanford Campus, Main Quad and Hoover Tower
Viewed: 3780 times.
Anflug Palo Alto
Viewed: 3985 times.
Piste mit Parkplatz
Viewed: 3889 times.
Landing on Palo Alto Runway 31
Viewed: 3809 times.
safely back...
Viewed: 3809 times.
after flight duties
Viewed: 3825 times.
old, but still going strong: 6 5 Mike
Viewed: 3931 times.
Visit of the Stanford University Campus
Viewed: 3939 times.
ein Stanford Alumni
Viewed: 4066 times.
das S steht nicht für Superman sondern Stanford
Viewed: 3990 times.
Palm Drive führt zum Oval dann zum Main Quad
Viewed: 3931 times.
Stanford University
Viewed: 3871 times.
Auguste Rodin in Bronze, im Memorial Court
Viewed: 3876 times.
die Kirche
Viewed: 3772 times.